Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Language of the Nordic/Germanic Myths


Mythology is not just a collection of stories. It is a language. It uses symbols to convey ideas. A kind of symbol found in the Edda’s is the kenning. It was believed that to give your real name to a stranger was to give him power over you. So you used a descriptive name, a kenning. Often a kenning was used to draw attention to a particular aspect of a person or object.

For example: The Nordic Tree of Life ‘Yggdrasil’ may be called ‘Life Supporter’; ‘The Shade Giver’; “The Soil Mulcher’; ‘The Nobel Ash Tree’; ‘Odin’s Horse’; or ‘Odin’s Gallows’.

The Norse myths also make use of puns, which can be a most effective method of teaching.

The Norse ‘Cinderella’ is Askungen (Ask =Ash + Unge = Child). ‘The Ash Child’. All living beings are children of the Nordic Ash Tree. Each is also an Yggdrasil Tree in his own right. The Ash Child is cyclically reborn from the ashes of its former self, like the Phoenix.

Askungen also means ‘God-kin’ of divine lineage and ‘God-knowing’ having knowledge of divinity’s and ‘Knowing as a God’, possessing divine wisdom and also ‘Known as a God.’ Thus an ingenious play on words makes the title of this fairytale convey a high philosophy. The Nordics knew like Nietzsche said “Ye are Gods.”

The entire pantheon of Norse gods/goddesses represents properties existing in nature and ourselves.

The furtherance of human progress towards a nobler state is in large what myths aim to encourage.

The hero tales of the Edda’s have a dual character as both quasi-historical and legendary. They interlink large numbers of characters in a web of plots and counterplots.

To relate myths to humanity’s prehistory would demand untangling of many intermingled threads. The German version of Sigurd Fafnesbane (Bane of Fafnir) is suggestive of those remote aeons.

Nibelungen or Niflungan in Norse means “children of the mist.” The Niflungan were followed by the Volsungan, which means “children of Volsi,” a much later humanity.

Many of the feuds in the myths were reference to a succession of races, branch races, and lesser tribes. Myths reflect the passing of an age without praise or blame.


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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Norse Winter Solstice is Known as "YULE" Time

Norse Yule, or Winter Solstice 

As we get deeper into the Age of Aquarius and the new Paradigm of the Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics the truth will come put. The truth as to how many sacred rituals and holy days the Catholics stole from our Pagan ancestors after burning down their churches and killing the druids and holy men

Yule,or Winter Solstice, occurs about December 21. This is known to the Norse as Jol (Wheel) or Mother Night. This is a time of the death and rebirth of the Sun God.

Yule originally lasted from about December 20th to December 31. The old "Yule-tide", is also remembered as the "Twelve days of Christmas." Yule-tide began on Mother Night and ended on Yule itself, twelve nights from the Mother Night.

The days are shortest and the Sun is at it's lowest point. The Triple Goddess rules with her aspect of the Crone ruling cold and darkness, and her aspect of the Mother giving birth to the Child of Promise. An oak Yule log (burned in honor of Thor) is still a tradition in Norse/Germanic countries. The ashes are scattered over the fields, or the charred remains kept to start next years Yule log.
Mistletoe is hung over the door to keep out malicious spirits. The same is done at Summer Solstice. The Full Moon after Yule is considered the most "Powerful" of the whole year. In this time the whole year is magically contained; out of it the year is regenerated from it's own depths. The Yule ritual is always held indoors and is intensely personal, done only with family and coven members.

Tradition says that if there is a knock at the door this day, it wasn't answered. I suspect this was true on all pagan holy days to keep from being persecuted by the Christians.
This ritual is a "light" festival, with as many candles as possible on or near an altar to welcome the Sun Child.

Here's Wishing you and yours a Joyous Yule-tide!
Lory, Ragnar and "Dixie"
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